Friday, May 27, 2011

Alight.Alight. I love the etherial wispy flutter of this image. It is my visualization of what the Holy Spirit looks like as it fills and transforms my heart; full, light and gentle. I can envision it bounding from one craggy scar to another as it alights on those areas in my life where I am so in need of healing and strengthening.

I want the filling and transformation that the Holy Spirit brings. I want to live my life like it means something. I want to live without fear, indecision or impatience, when surrounded by a culture of relativity. I want the things that break the heart of God to break my heart, when the norm is to turn a blind eye and let someone else get involved. I want my actions to bring Him glory, when the actions of those who claim Christ's name (myself included) tend instead, to bring embarrassment to His name.

In the flesh, I can tell myself all sorts of lies. Like, I really don't know what God is calling me to do. But I know that His call starts with the committed reading of His Word and with prayer. It is true I have not had a verbal pronouncement from on high ( :)...) but if I seriously sought His presence through study and prayer, I bet I would know my next move at any given time. I would have the strength to deny myself the things that get in the way. I would find the energy and patience to proceed. I would find the courage to risk the outcomes that only God can know. I would then be aware of the progress the Holy Spirit is making in my heart.

I read this psalm this morning and I am going to try to keep praying it:
Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set; then I'd never have any regrets in comparing my life with Your counsel.
~To God Be The Glory~

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Beautiful Simplicity.Beautiful Simplicity. Sometimes in my processing, I choose to simplify the details of a scene. There is beauty in not seeing every edge, color or boundary of an image.

It is true in my spiritual life as well. Many times, not just some times :), I don't understand the details of my situation; where it is going, how it will end up, if I will like how it ends. Even more confounding is that the details I do understand, I want to be in different places or to have different outcomes in the 'image' of my life. My challenge is to remember that there is beauty right where I am, even though I don't understand the details. Faith is trusting that God knows and that He is actively involved. There is freedom in that and in knowing the 'image' will be better in the end if God is the one making the processing decisions. :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Flow.Flow. I am thinking a lot lately about how one lives authentically as a follower of Jesus Christ. I hesitate to use the word 'Christian' because people have such negative ideas of what a 'Christian' is. Whether false information or bad behavior by those proclaiming that name, it generally connotates judgement, hypocrisy and non-tolerance. That is not what I strive for, believe me. The result of the Spirit of God indwelling a Christ-follower should be a growing amount of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control evidenced in the life of that believer. I want that. I don't care what anyone else does or doesn't do. In fact, in spite of what others decide or how they behave, I want to treat them with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

It is a tall order, because the natural reaction I many times have to difficult situations is not that listing of attributes. I need God's Spirit to change me on the inside... not through effort on my part, but through His transformation in me... so that Christ's intent becomes my 'normal'...a natural flow of who Christ is in me, out to the world. It helps when I am praying, reading the Bible, and paying attention to His working in my life, but those things are not a prerequisite to God's power. He promises to transform me in spite of myself.

I read a great book last week while traveling. It is the new book by Laura Hillenbrand (author of Seabiscut). Her MO is to research a person or event and then tell the factual account. Unbroken is the fascinating description of the life of Louis Zamperini; a rebellious child, Olympic runner, bombardier in WW II, Prisoner of War, and then civilian. Little did I know when I started the book that Louie had a post-war conversion experience that left him healed of his Post-Traumadic Stress Disorder and Alcoholism. All Louis did was accept the Spirit of God, through Jesus Christ into his heart. God did this work of transformation in a moment. My transformation (granted, not PTSD or Alcoholism) is taking longer, but when I read stories such as this, I know God is a God of His Word. I will be patient....!
~To God Be The Glory~

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shy And Sassy.Shy And Sassy. This shot was captured in a square in a small village in Tuscany. It was a Sunday and all the families were out. The little girl was watching everything going on around her and waiting for the next thing coming her way, deciding when and if she would partake. I loved her attitude...shy, watchful, confident in a careful way with a little 'sas' thrown in for good measure.

I feel this way in my life recently. I am turning my back on the past and striving ahead to the future. I feel confident in a careful way, just like this little girl. Things won't be the same as they have been and it has taken me awhile to accept that, but I am anticipating a good future. God promises He will work all things together for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. It is time I believe Him. Time to put my hair up in braids, kick my hip out and celebrate the 'sas' in my life. Thanks, Lord. I am ready!
~To God Be the Glory~